Now experience our world-class summer intensives without the stress and expense of long-term hotel stays or parents missing weeks of work to travel with their children!
As our Summer Intensives have grown to include students from across the USA and around the world, we have developed housing programs to accommodate all lifestyles and requirements. Those attending The Dallas Conservatory’s summer programs can choose from two unique experiences: Enjoying a home-away-from-home as a guest of our host families, or experiencing a more urban, independent, stay with a family member in a hotel or Air BNB. Each option has special qualities that appeal to different sensibilities, so there is a place for everyone!
- Hosted Stay with a TDC Family: Stay in the home of one of our lovely TDC host families. We are careful to match our guest students with a family who has year-round students of similar ages and levels as their guest. The constant supervision and family atmosphere make the transition to being away from home seamless!
- Housing is with trusted and vetted parents of year-round TDC students
- Includes airport pick-up and drop-off service
- Breakfast, dinner, and driving daily
- Lunch is available at TDC for $15/day
- Recommended for younger students and those traveling alone for the first time
- $450 per week (Arrive on Sunday, depart on Saturday)
- Reserve a spot with a host family by emailing Info@TheDallasConservatory.org with the subject line, “ISDI Boarding ”

Now experience our world-class summer intensives without the stress and expense of long-term hotel stays or parents missing weeks of work to travel with their children!
As our Summer Intensives have grown to include students from across the USA and around the world, we have developed housing programs to accommodate all lifestyles and requirements. Those attending The Dallas Conservatory’s summer programs can choose from two unique experiences: Enjoying a home-away-from-home as a guest of our host families, or experiencing a more urban, independent, stay with a family member in a hotel or Air BNB. Each option has special qualities that appeal to different sensibilities, so there is a place for everyone!
- Hosted Stay with a TDC Family: Stay in the home of one of our lovely TDC host families. We are careful to match our guest students with a family who has year-round students of similar ages and levels as their guest. The constant supervision and family atmosphere make the transition to being away from home seamless!
- Housing is with trusted and vetted parents of year-round TDC students
- Includes airport pick-up and drop-off service
- Breakfast, dinner, and driving daily
- Lunch is available at TDC for $15/day
- Recommended for younger students and those traveling alone for the first time
- $450 per week (Arrive on Sunday, depart on Saturday)
- Reserve a spot with a host family by emailing Info@TheDallasConservatory.org with the subject line, “ISDI Boarding ”

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